Friday, September 12, 2014


Greetings my blogger friends. I apoligize that I havent written in a while. Today I feel inspired to sit and wirite. Please feel free to send me a private message on my email anytime. You can also hit me up on FB anytime. I love to hear from yall and help in anyway that I can. I hope this post uplifts and inspires you in some way today. THANKS FOR READING!
I want to start off by saying that YOU ARE A UNIQUE CHILD OF GOD. He lives and loves you. This is an eternal truth that brings peace to my heart when I think it. To know that GOD the creator of this universe and the creator of all things is not just real but He loves ME, that is awesome! I know He has a very specefic ETERNAL plan for us all. As many of you know my Mom recently passed away. I have reflected a lot on the eternal nature of life. I have reflected a lot on the reality that this  earth/mortal life is so temporary. This earth life will pass quickly and we will die, we will die to begin a new life in a different realm. I know that we will all be held accountable for our actions to some degree or another by our Maker. I say this as a reminder that our choices in this life are so important. We will all someday look back onto our mortal life and have to answer or report what we have done with our time here on this earth. Let us choose wisely how we spend our time and with the choices we make. Choose today to have more of an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE because one thing is forsure, this time on earth as we know it will end SOON! I encourage you to begin to think more of the end. We all need to prepare to meet our maker. If you are living in addiction, TODAY IS THE DAY TO EMBRACE CHANGE AND TURN TO GOD FOR HELP. JESUS CHRIST WILL RESTORE YOU TO COMPLETE SPIRITUAL HEALTH. We know from the Bible that Jesus Christ is most concerned about the one lost sheep. JESUS CHRIST IS CONCERNED ABOUT YOU, HE LIVES AND CALLS OUT TO YOU. LET HIM IN!  
Satan desires for you to live a dark, cold, and dreary life, Satan desires to drag you into misery through all types of addiction. I am on a mission to help as many folks as I can come to the realization that GOD IS REAL AND SATAN IS REAL. We are fighting in a spiritual battle. We can put on the armor of God and be true soldiers in Gods army by humbling ourselves and turning to Christ for help. HUMILITY is the key to recovery and change. When we are humble we are willing to learn and embrace new ideas and change. When we are humble and turn to Christ for strength our addictions will dissappear. As we recognize that we are infact fighting against evil forces we are able to prepare to stand strong in the face of evil temptations. Temptation is a very important part of this mortal excistence. God allows Satan to tempt us so we will have the opportunity to choose for ourselves good or evil. Temptation is an opportunity to do the right thing as much as it is to do the wrong thing. Lets join ranks with Gods army and decide to put our addictions behind us. Lets decide today that we will master our self. We will be the master of what we put into our bodies. I believe in you! God believes in you! We  will overcome our addictions as we humble ourselves and have hope that their is a better way. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL AND PORNOGRAPHY LEAD TO SLAVERY , DEATH AND DARKNESS. JESUS CHRIST WILL LEAD YOU TO FREEDOM, LIFE AND LIGHT...HE IS THE TRUE SOURCE OF LASTING INNER PEACE AND HAPPINESS. LET HIM IN YOUR LIFE TODAY!

Having said this I realize that we are all on different levels and are going through different things. I just encourage you to begin change by making small choices. Even if it is only a small desire in you to change continue to feed that desire and call out to God in prayer. HE WILL ANSWER YOU! The power of prayer is real. It is through prayer, meditation, and scripture study that we build our spiritual muscles and put on the armor of God. HUMILITY IS THE KEY, NEVER BE ASHAMED TO ASK FOR HELP AND TO ACCEPT HELP. WE ALL NEED HELP IN LIFE!!!